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syncropendance communal meal, yes or no?

Posted: 21 Jul 2022, 15:22
by silverbullet
Aka the Saturday Night Social.

Are we doing this or remaining SARS CoV2 B.A.4/5 new variant cautious?

Anyone else for a "clean" grille for those who eschew burned dead animal?

I'm not squeamish, just can't stand the smell of the battlefield ;)

Re: syncropendance communal meal, yes or no?

Posted: 22 Jul 2022, 11:28
by silverbullet

Re: syncropendance communal meal, yes or no?

Posted: 22 Jul 2022, 21:33
by 4x4 Bus
I don't think so.

Re: syncropendance communal meal, yes or no?

Posted: 23 Jul 2022, 07:20
by silverbullet
Fair enough. There seems to be a great silence now, there used to be a lot ot of excited forum chatter before SP.

Re: syncropendance communal meal, yes or no?

Posted: 23 Jul 2022, 11:03
by Splurt
We aren't able to make it unfortunately.

It has been a very quiet lead up though, there was more discussion last year.

Are you taking the syncro or the sprinter Ian?

Re: syncropendance communal meal, yes or no?

Posted: 23 Jul 2022, 12:24
by silverbullet
Syncro is still with H&S so its a Sprinter weekend. I'd just like to get a feel for what it can do offroad without any heroics.

Re: syncropendance communal meal, yes or no?

Posted: 24 Jul 2022, 13:18
by Splurt
The perfect place to test it's ability, especially with a skiff of rain!

I'm not as disappointed in missing out now that the wbx6 isn't going to be there, look forward to hearing that rumble next year :)

Re: syncropendance communal meal, yes or no?

Posted: 24 Jul 2022, 14:19
by silverbullet
Fire safety post.

As I sit at home indoors with all windows closed due to another big common fire 😕 a reminder that everything is tinder dry so short of biblical downpours happening all week, we all need to be really really careful with our cooking arrangements and where we park after driving (red hot exhausts).
Pack those camping tables and keep all flames off the ground.

Re: syncropendance communal meal, yes or no?

Posted: 24 Jul 2022, 15:29
by Jim San
There is plenty of rain in Wales. It is no longer tinder dry.
Sat here watching horizontal rain across a campsite near the mid wales border right now Last night north Wales had the same.
It's damp.

Re: syncropendance communal meal, yes or no?

Posted: 24 Jul 2022, 15:47
by silverbullet
Well thats a change and how lovely for you :D

It might even bring the Cain up a bit by the time it gets to running off?