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Heavy Smoking after seal change

Posted: 08 Jan 2024, 13:24
by glennyboy2
1986 T3 fitted with a 1Y VW 1.9 non turbo engine.
After developing a leak, I have fitted a new head seal and reassembled the Bosch injection pump.
I did not remove the pump and used the old wind out the bolts method,remove the old knackered one, and fit the new one. The only things I removed to make it easier was the injector pipes,the solenoid, and one fuel outlet pipe, then put them back. It has not moved since.

After bleeding it through, no more leaks, but it’s now running rough and spewing smoke.

Any suggestions please?

Re: Heavy Smoking after seal change

Posted: 08 Jan 2024, 14:48
by Stesaw
From my limited diesel knowledge.. sounds like you need to adjust the pump timing/delivery amount. Never done it myself the correct way but to do it the correct way you need a dial gauge etc to measure pump lift.

The other way from being told by old timers is to loosen the pump bolts enough so you can turn it. Run the engine and turn the pump slowly ( making sure you keep away from anything that's spinning etc so you don't get monged) either towards or away from the head til it runs OK and stops smoking, then tighten the bolts.

Others with more brain juice might be able to assist you or tell you what I just said is nonsense. :lol:

Re: Heavy Smoking after seal change

Posted: 08 Jan 2024, 15:07
by davidoft1
how long have you had it running since putting it back together ?